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Course Outline

Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding support for your non-medical prescribing qualification. We understand the difficulty faced by pharmacists and other healthcare professionals to find a designated medical practitioner (DMP). To facilitate you, Medlrn has teamed up with doctors and non-medical prescriberS to assist this process and develop your clinical skills and competencies.

  • Assistance with university application, personal statement and interview (if required)

  • Assistance with university course material i.e. exam preparation and coursework

  • 45 hours mentoring with a doctor

  • 45 hours mentoring with a non-medical prescriber which includes training on history taking and physical examination

  • Guidance on insurance requirements and opportunities as a non-medical prescriber

Watch Intro Video


Non-Medical Prescribing
Seminar Record


  • What should I expect from the course?

    ● 45 hours supervision (zoom/telephone)
    ● 45 hours hands on practice
    ● Networking
    ● 1-1 teaching

  • When will start the program?


  • How much does the course cost?


  • Can I pay in installments?


  • Does this include university fees?

    No. That is separate

  • Can you recommend a university?

    All university courses are accredited by the GPHC, therefore they are very similar in what they offer. Focus on other variables such as the cost of course, ease of travel, etc.

  • How many students do you usually take every year?

    This can vary, but usually no more than 10 per semester.

  • Will I have to travel to Oxford for the face-face classes?

    Yes. Once a month